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Cloquet Police Department
Friday April 20th, 2012 :: 03:15 p.m. CDT


BEWARE: Post card scam claiming you have an unclaimed $100 gift rebate to Walmart/Target

The Cloquet Police Department recently received a complaint about a scam a citizen received in the mail.

The scam came via USPS mail in the form of a post card. The post card claims "You are eligible to claim a reward valued at $100.00" On the other side of the card it says, "Dear XXXXX We are trying to reach you about your UNCLAIMED Reward! You have been selected to receive $100 in gift rebates good at Wal-mart, Target, and more. Valid for a limited time, call toll-free now for complete details on how to claim your reward?". A phone number of 1-855-822-9225 as well as a claim # is printed on the card.

Upon calling the number, you are told you have won $100 but must give a debit/credit card number and will be charged $3.91 for "processing".

When Wal-mart was contacted, they verified that they do not accept gift rebates.

Information on a variety of different active scams can be found at:

Cloquet Police Department
101 14th St
Cloquet, MN 55720

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 218-879-1247

Derek Randall
Computer Forensics / Investigations
[email protected]

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